7 Binaural Beats You Can Buy for Depression (And How They Will Help Re-Sync Your Brain Chemicals)

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Depression is a common medical condition but that doesn’t take away from its seriousness and severity. It is that gnawing feeling that either manifests in bouts of extreme sadness or total loss of interest in everything that is going on around you. While there are a number of treatment options and therapy that can help people suffering from depression, binaural beats therapy is a new entrant to the list of solutions.

There are many different symptoms of depression. People can feel anxious, a general sense of apathy towards everything around them, or the feeling of hopelessness. Depression is also associated with intense mood swings, aggression, endless crying and the extreme sadness. People suffering from depression can show a lot more symptoms like change in sleeping and eating habits but these usually differ from person to person.

Binaural beats therapy is a form of soundwave therapy where your left ear listens to a different frequency tone than your right year. The difference is not too much – for example 210 hertz in one ear and 220 hertz in the other. This self-help audio technology is widely available online and can be bought from anywhere in the world.


This form of therapy has shown promise in treating anxiety, stress, lack of motivation and other symptoms that are associated with depression. According to some studies, binaural beats have shown to decrease the amount of cortisol – a hormone associated with stress – in the human body. There have also been studies that noted the reduction of anxiety in people who listened to binaural beats in the alpha, theta and delta patterns regularly for a couple of months.

If you are looking to buy some binaural beats to help treat your depression, here is a list of the best sources and packages.

The Unexplainable Store

The first name on the list is The Unexplainable Store for its wide collection of audios to help you with many different problems. Most of the audios come in two different versions – one is an isochronic tone and the other is binaural beats. There is a special brainwave audio program that caters to depression help. It is 30 minutes long and consists of delta and theta waves so that your body can release happier hormones and reduce the level of cortisol.


If you want to buy audio therapy that deals with other symptoms of depression, you can get them on the website. There are audios that deal specifically with anxiety or release of endorphins. Browse through the vast product list and pick the one that suits your needs best.

The best part about buying binaural beats from this platform is that you will not be expected to pay a large sum of money. The basic packages that cater to anxiety, release of endorphins or depression cost about $14 to buy. More often than not, these are also on sale. This means you can get them for as low as $8 for the audio related to each problem. You can also purchase the entire therapy package for less than $70. The website also offers a money back guarantee in case the audio does not work in the way you wanted it to.

Holosync Audio Technology

The next item on the list is an innovation made by the Centerpointe Research Institute. According to Bill Harris, the director of this institute, Holosync Audio Technology can change the way in which you look at life. The premise of this technology is based on the plasticity of the human brain and how Holosync claims to push the brain into increasing its emotional threshold. The aim is to get rid of any “dysfunctional feelings and behaviors” that may crop up for different people.


Nerve cells in the brain use brain wave patterns to communicate with each other. There are four categories of these waves – beta, alpha, theta and delta. While beta waves are the one associated with consciousness as we know it, alpha is the stage of relaxed focus or a light trance. Slower than these are the theta and delta waves, the first of which is associated with stress relief. Delta waves are the slowest amongst all these, producing a deep, trance-like state. Holosync claims to put its listeners in this “waking delta” stage, as delta is usually associated with deep sleep. This level of relaxation can be extremely beneficial for people who are suffering from anxiety or patients diagnosed with depression.

Holosync, however, is not cheap. An MP3 download of the audio will cost you $239, whereas the CDs will cost $259. The institute usually has deals, which will give you some discount on this pricing. In addition to this, there is an option to pay in installments.



The Ennora website gives you access to binaural beats that claim to help with a number of issues so that you can aim for better health. The main aim of this sound therapy is to reduce the stress that you feel in your day-to-day life, deal with anxiety, increase your level of focus and promote overall well-being. Some of the recordings that are available on Ennora also focus on improving your sleep and getting you more spiritually conscious.


While Ennora gives you a number of premade packages that deal with well-being, spirituality, creativity and balancing your chakras, amongst many others, you can also pick and choose the sound recordings that suit your needs best and make a package on your own. For example, you may want to work towards mental peace with the Crystal Clear Mind audio and combine it with Stress Release and Recharge and Refresh. You can buy each of these for $9.99, which works out to be much cheaper than Holosync. Different premade packs are priced differently. The Balance pack and the Mind Power pack cost approximately $40, while the Sleep pack and the Meditation pack cost about $25 and $30 respectively. If you want to buy the Super Pack with 12 binaural beats meditation tracks, it will cost you $43.


Binaural Beats Meditation

One of the most popular platforms for binaural beats is BinauralBeatsMeditation.com. There are a number of reasons for this. Firstly, the music that is sold on this platform has been known to be very effective. A lot of alternative medical institutes recommend the recordings found on this platform and even play it for their own treatments. It is run by people who are enthusiastic about the use of brainwave sound therapy and they go to great lengths to provide you with a good experience and exceptional customer service.


You can choose from a large variety of music from four distinctive categories – relaxation, wellbeing, mind power and spirituality. The recordings are designed to help in a number of ways. You could be interested in anxiety release, increasing your focus, getting better sleep or something else. The website caters to all these problems and more. The best part is that all downloads come in two versions. One is 30 minutes long while the other lasts an hour. This allows you to choose the length that suits you best.


Individual recordings cost $9.95 but if you are interested in buying the Mega Meditation Pack with all its 12 downloads, you will have to pay $59.99. In addition to this, the entire website regularly offers discounts because of which your purchase could cost you even lesser.

iAwake Technologies

The next platform to be discussed is iAwake, which has made a place for itself in this industry because of its work with issues related to emotions and negative energy. For people suffering from depression, this is one of the key issues. Buying sound therapy tracks from iAwake can help your brain in sending signals related to happiness, alleviating some of the symptoms related to depression.


The company itself is cofounded by the author of Integral Recovery, which received the 2013 USA Best Books Award in the category called Health: Addiction & Recovery. John Dupuy, with his master’s degree in transpersonal psychology, has been working in the brainwave entrainment technology for almost two decades.


iAwake’s signature meditation program costs $227 for the online download version and $297 for the CDs and online download version. The other audio downloads are all priced differently. The Deeply Theta audio costs $37 for the online version and $47 with the CDs. The Journey to the Center of the Self costs $47 for the digital download and $57 for the CDs plus digital version. You can choose the packages that are designed to help with the condition that you are suffering from. The website is easy to navigate and you shouldn’t have much of a problem in getting what you want.


Brain Evolution System

Brain Evolution System is a program that claims to help eliminate stress and anxiety, increase your focus and give a distinctive boost to your mood and levels of happiness by using brainwave entrainment technology. The program is designed to produce sounds that influence the way in which brainwaves function, allowing you to shift from one phase to another, on demand.


This is not the cheapest program available on the market. It will cost you just under $300 so many people may be put off by the pricing. This doesn’t mean that it is not worth your money. Brainev – as it is commonly referred to – is one of the best options in the market when it comes to sound therapy to alleviate your mood and get rid of anxiety.


It even comes with a 30-day trial, as well as a 7-month guarantee. This means that after trying it for 30 days, if it doesn’t work according to your expectations, you can leave it. If you do end up buying it but realize in the 7 month window that you do not want it – for any reason – you are eligible for a full refund.


BrainWave Alchemy

The last option on this list is BrainWave Alchemy, another platform that offers great audio recordings of binaural beats. In addition to this, the website also offers guided meditations and guided meditations with binaural beats at a very competitive price.


BrainWave Alchemy has specialized packages that are aimed at different goals. For example, there are sound recordings that are aimed at calming your mind, sharpening your mind, exploring your inner self and so on. There is also a package that helps you sleep better and another that aims at better focus, both of which can be problems for people suffering from depression.


The packages are all priced differently. The Mind Set Collection with all pure binaural beats costs about $60. Individually, the audio recordings cost about $15 each. The Custom Guided Meditation, however, is more expensive. It retails for about $300 but a special offer on the website can help you get it for $97. If you do not want to spend so much money, you can opt for the individual downloads for the area that you need most help with. It is a great way to not spend too much and still gain all the benefits of binaural beats therapy.

All of the platforms mentioned above sell material that helps people alleviate their moods, be more productive and get rid of the blues. If you are a patient suffering from depression, or have someone close to you who is afflicted with this condition, you should consider investing in binaural beats as a therapy option. While the websites mentioned above usually deal with paid binaural beats, you can try to gauge the effects of this concept by first listening to free options. There are websites that allow you to listen to these without paying anything that can help beginners who are trying to acquaint themselves with this type of therapy. If it works for you, go on to buy specialized packages from the platforms mentioned above. It has been known to help people when they are at the lowest point in their life and it may help you as well.


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